AFRICA… the word itself is exotic and beckons adventure and excitement.
People that go on a photographic safari come back using the same adjectives when trying to describe it – Africa’s so fulfilling and unforgettable – it’s amazing, awesome…it’s MAGICAL. You will come across astonishing sights and sounds, mixed with the magnificent animals, the unique landscapes, the majestic sky, the beautiful people, all merged into your fabulous photographs and memories that will stay with you forever. You’ve seen Africa in the movies and documentaries – but actually being there, well, that’s the ultimate. You’ll be able to capture Africa through the lenses of your own camera and video and cherish the incredible memory that you’ll carry with you forever in your soul and your heart. Someone once said that “travel helps you remember who you forgot to be” – they must have been referring to Africa. Richard Leakey calls it “genetic memory”, and once you’re there, you’ll understand the feeling as you gaze out at the surreal scenic surroundings.
The African continent is massive and encompasses so many diverse opportunities of exploration. At the present time we have narrowed down our expertise of photographic African Safari travel to the Southern African countries of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia.
You know you want to go – it’s been on your list of “places you want to see” for years now – even if you’ve been there before, you know you want to go back again – Africa is a MUST! It’s like a magnet for it definitely draws you back. We know you’ll be spellbound with the magical atmosphere of Africa – everyone is. We just want to make sure that you experience the BEST Africa has to offer and we can make that happen for you. Janee and Howard McKinney of Fishabout have personally been to Africa 13 times now. They have worked with the operators and suppliers mentioned in the itineraries that Janee stylizes for you many times and have great confidence in the quality and abilities involved. We know where to send you, and who and what you should see. We know how to give you that “Trip of a Lifetime”.
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Fishabout Inc. has been dedicated to serving the travel needs of our friends in the angling community for over 27 years.